Villa Yiara Your Home in Positano The intimate and exclusive B&B is part of a former magnificent seventeeth mansion wich has been restaured by my father and my mother. Here I grew-up with my brother and my parents. Here my daughter Yiara was born. To turn it in a B&B the paternal gran-father “nonno Lucas”, my husband Silvio and Yiara helped me with so much love to give a modern touch preserving the original architecture; So now we offer four air-conditioned bed-rooms (two with jacuzzi) one with an large and confortable cabin-shower and the other one with the ensuite bath-room. All of them with their own privates terraces facing the sea. Each has a TV, a mini-bar, a safe-case, and phone. We are waiting for you. Yiara, Silvio e Imara
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